Personalities are very important, as they are what makes individuals distinguishable from one another. Though no two people are exactly the same, psychologists have established many theories to help us categorize people based on their personalities. Over this past weekend, I took two personality tests to see what category I would fall into. I took the Big Five Personality test first. My results indicated that I was in the 16th percentile for openness, 74th percentile for conscientiousness, 48th percentile for extraversion, and 22nd percentile for neuroticism. Being in the 16th percentile for openness indicated that I tend to be conventional, down to earth, have narrow interests and am uncreative. I felt as though I would have scored more towards the 50th percentile. I would never consider myself uncreative or to have narrow interests. However, I do find myself conventional and down to earth. Therefore, this result didn't seem entirely inaccurate. The next category- Conscientiousness- indicated that I tend to be reliable, well-organized, and self-disciplined. These results seemed to be an accurate representation of the way I perceive myself. The following category was Extraversion. In this category I seemed to fall pretty close to the middle. Therefore, I considered my results to indicate that I am social, fun-loving, and friendly as well as, introverted, reserved, and quiet. To me, it depends on the situation I am in. For example, if I am in class, learning a new topic, I would find myself to be more reserved than out going and talkative. However, if I was a party, meeting new people, I would find myself to be fun and sociable. In the next category- Agreeableness, the results seemed to be pretty spot on as well. My results indicated that I tend to consider the feelings of others rather than to be rude or critical. In the last category- Neuroticism, my results indicate that I tend to be relaxed. These results seemed pretty representative but also vary upon situation. For being a free, easy to navigate, and short questionnaire, the the Big Five Personality test produced fairly representative results of myself.
The next personality test I took was 16 Personalities. I found the results of this test to be pretty straightforward. What concerned me right off the bat, was the fact that this test only represented sixteen different personalities. That number seems a little small to me considering the diversity of personalities I have witnessed. Anyways, my result code was ISFJ. This code indicated that I am 53% introverted, 71% observant, 63% feeling, 66% judging, and 59% assertive. The results of the Big Five test and the 16 Personalities test were fairly similar. Just like the Big Five Personality test, I found the 16 Personality test to be somewhat accurate but lacking in other areas. I feel as though my results could vary depending on my mood the day I take it or could vary year to year. Though I didn't find these tests to be 100% accurate, I thought it was interesting to see my personality "on paper". I would recommend these test to anyone interested in seeing how their personality would score to others or just to be able to visualize their personality.